Hello and thank you for visiting my blog! I created a blog because one day I realized I love taking pictures of nature and researching different places to go hiking. Do you remember the first time you realized that you were in love with nature? I do. I was watching TV one night and saw a commercial for Enjoy Illinois, which is The Illinois Tourism Bureau. A quick picture of a waterfall flashed across the TV and I was left wondering “There’s no way that was in Illinois…was it?” So after a quick search, I found out that the waterfall in the commercial was from Starved Rock State Park in northern Illinois. After a weekend visit, I knew that my life was changed and from then on, I would do whatever it took to go hiking and see the beauty of nature as much as possible. I hope that by finding this blog, you find a great place to go hiking and explore nature for yourself.

A bit about myself…well I am just a girl with a dog who has this constant feeling of wanderlust (or wanderlove as I call it) that I can’t seem to shake. I find myself researching and planning for adventures all of the time. My adventuring companion is my rat terrier, Ellie. I think we are a perfect pair since she gets just as excited as I do about adventures =) I find myself planning my trips around her and am very disappointed when something is not pet friendly LOL.

Cumberland Falls (75)

If you have any questions about any of the places I have visited, please leave a comment at the end of the post. I would be more than happy to answer any questions! You can also click the Follow Button and you will receive an email each time a new adventure is posted!


Planned Spontaneity-001


  1. Hey There! I really have enjoyed your blog. It seems you are much like myself, and really enjoy getting out and exploring opportunities available at various Parks and Conversation Areas. In as much, I thought I would share a little project I just completed, the first and only of its kind, a web map / app displaying the locations of all of the State Parks in the US. Hopefully, you can make some use of it… Here is a link to the write-up I did for it, and the map:
    View at Medium.com


  2. hi, i just found your blog. I’ve been trying to hit the Missouri State Parks and conservation areas myself. I just moved back to STL a year ago and was gone for a decade. I started running and hiking in IL. This is a great resource. i’ve already found a few places not too far away i didn’t know exists. Thank you again!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Kal, You are my kind of girl, always looking for trails to hike. My husband and I travel for work and I’m always looking for a place to get out and hike. Your blog is a great resource. I would like to email you with a blog collaboration if you are interested. My blog is https://www.renanmom.com Hope to hear from you soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Would love to have a print of some of your pictures. Are interested in selling some digital copies?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Debbie! Thanks for reaching out! As long as you are using them for personal use, feel free to save and print whatever you like 🙂 no need to pay for them, I am just so happy that you like them!


      • Good morning,Thanks for your prompt response. We have remodeled our home. We live near the Harpeth River in Pegram, TN, just west of Nashville. We have decided to use art from our local area to decorate. I want to have a mural of a photo made. I also want to have some larger prints made. The copies that I download from the internet do not have a high enough resolution to copy and enlarge.It needs have at least 4000px in width. Can you send me copies of the originals? I would be happy to pay you for them. We are going to put our house of the market for a vacation rental. I think it would be great to showcase the beauty of our area. If you can, I will give you a list of which ones I need. Thanks,Debbie Wix

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Debbie,
        That sounds so awesome and i love when vacation rentals show you what is around! Can you email me the pictures that you want at kalkal55@gmail.com? I will go back and see if I can find the originals! Also, can you share your vacation rental link once listed? I would love to check it out!


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